Category Archives: Ruby on Rails

Great Idea for getting Rails technical documentation written!

Who likes documentation writing? I don’t! The rest of the Steelpixel team agrees with me on this point, documentation is a necessary evil. Well, court3nay came up with a cool idea today in the #caboose irc room, why not start … Continue reading

Posted in Ruby on Rails | 1 Comment

ASP to ASP.NET and Ruby on Rails

That title may not be very self explanatory to most of you. At my day job I am currently transitioning from Legacy ASP 3.0 code to ASP.NET 1.1 code and I am also teaching myself Ruby and Rails. I know … Continue reading

Posted in Ruby on Rails | 4 Comments

What Ruby GEMS are installed on my computer?

Question: So I have been playing with learning Ruby and Rails and I just installed Instiki a cool Ruby Wiki on my computer. The Instiki docs are talking about a GEM called Red Cloth and I am trying to figure … Continue reading

Posted in Ruby on Rails | 1 Comment